The Organization Development Tools Institute and its authorized partners may award certification to professionals who have reached the required understanding and practice in the application of UDT in organizations and teams. Certification is optional and at the request of the professional and or their sponsor organization. There are 3 levels of certification
Awarded on completion of training module " Introduction to UDT" and attaining an 80%+ pass rate in a short on-line examination.
Awarded on completion of any of the core UDT training Modules "Change Catalyst, Change Management, Culture Change, Capability Building" and an in-organization or team real world implementation project. Assessment is based on ODTI supporting coach assessment of project and related engagement coupled with a final project case report evaluation.
Awarded to those who have achieved 'Practitioner Certification) on all 4 core UDT training modules "Change Catalyst, Change Management, Culture Change, Capability Building" and completed the advanced OrgCMF(tm) Assessment Platform training course.