Questions the CXO often asks when things are going wrong or performance is not meeting expectations:
It’s not rocket science to answer these questions, but there is a need to avoid knee jerk reactions. Like when a human or animal is unwell there is an approach to getting better, and then improving and maintaining our health.
Its important to recognise that healthcare is about finding information on the causes of symptoms, so remedial action can be promptly taken. Though there is a structured and logical flow, which guides the approach, medical professionals will have knowledge, experience and historical information that hopefully speed up the action and recovery.
The Organisation Health Care
An organisation is a collection of resources (People, Things, Procedures) viewed as a system and its sub systems, integrated to achieve an overall aim(s). It has inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes, with ongoing feedback amongst resources and systems. Any of these components may not be working, or working well, and we need a holistic approach to make the organisation work at the highest levels intended.
Capability Maturity Management as a strategy for Organisation Health Improvement
The functioning level of an organisation is determined by the quality of the resources and the effectiveness of their integration and interoperability. This can be described as its Capability, which can be scientifically measured for each sub system, and the organisation as a whole. Capability can be defined as the ability to mobilise resources to achieve specific aims & outcomes.
The value of Capability Maturity Management
Capability Maturity Management is one of the most effective means for Individuals and Teams to set and achieve change or transformation goals, resolve issues, and continuously improve performance, in line with the organisations aims overall, and for the subsystems of that organisation. It simplifies the management of the sophistication and complexity of modern organisations, because it focuses on patterns of Performance, Behaviours, and Outcomes for all key components of the organisations systems and subsystems, rather than try to manage individual and groups of thousands of different resources and hundreds of resource types.
The Organisation Capability Maturity Framework ( OrgCMF™) is one such model which uses a scientific and normative maturity scale that can measure organisation health level against a standard. Its strength is that it can be applied to all the critical organisation subsystem forces (Dynamics), and their building blocks (Constructs), that guide leaders and managers in resolving problems and/or improving performance, thus improving the organisations health.
As with human health, the existing knowledge, experience and information available to leaders and professionals will inform them of the actions and interventions to take, and where to leverage OrgCMF™ body of knowledge and assessment tools. Change & Improvement Leadership will determine the strategic or tactical actions required to identify causes of symptoms (performance) and changes required to achieve target performance and outcomes.
The strength of the OrgCMF™ Model is that the structure and content informs and guides individuals and teams from the top team right down to the front line worker. Navigation of the body of knowledge or selection of Assessment type and configuration can target the specific informational needs and guidance for the context of each individual or team.
To view the other two references models
The Team Maturity Index TMI
The Digital Maturity Index DMI