The Organisation Change Readiness Assessment Plan is a Capability Maturity Assessment designed by Dr. Myles Sweeney one of our founders and principal researcher for the OrgCMF™ program.
The Organisation Change Readiness Maturity Assessment is designed to help Leaders, Managers and their Teams identify the level of Readiness for each key Organisation Capability (Dynamic), and the Organisation as a whole. It also infers the Change Capability (Agility) Maturity Level.
Its about ensuring that before any Transformation or Change is initiated, that there is an answer supported by Data & Information to the two key questions 1. How Ready are we for Change? 2. To what extent can we Change?
By answering these two questions you reduce the risk of any change failing to get sustainable traction by:
This is a pre-configured ‘Triage’ level OrgCMF™ Maturity Assessment. To understand more about what influenced the design of this Change Readiness Maturity Assessment read this paper on;
Organisation Change Readiness & Change Capability (Don’t Assume-Measure!)
Where you purchase multiple quantities of this plan, each individual Assessment can be run independently with different positioning and audiences.
The maximum number of assessment participants allowed under this plan is 20.
When you select the Organisation Change Readiness Maturity Assessment you may enter the email addresses of participants and they will be sent a unique link to complete their assessment (once only), you may also choose if they have access to the assessment report.
Also, when you configure an Assessment, you may also allow in addition up to 20 individuals(non participants) to access and review the report. They will receive a unique link and related report password that you set, in order that they can access the report. We recommend you always set a password.
A single question statement is posed to participants for each of the included Key Capabilities (Dynamics) and, they must choose from a list of trait statement which statement best reflects their organisation in their opinion. For each question there is a text box for comments which we encourage participants to add some content to support their selected statement question answer.
In the event this plan is closest to your needs, but you require participants beyond the plan limit contact us.