Whether it is your Strategy for the Organisation, Team or Digital Transformation, the outcomes will be determined by your existing Capabilities and their Maturity Levels.
By identifying those important Capabilities that relate to your Strategy Aims and your current context, and by Measuring their Maturity levels, you can identify both your strengths and constraints in achieving your Ambitions and Aims.
By adopting an Industry Standard Scientific Capability Maturity Framework such as The Organisation Capability Maturity Framework, you will have access to a development Roadmap for every unique Capability.
Assess the Strategy Dynamic and its Construct Capabilities you will see the details in the Directive Dynamics Index
Strategy involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions, often under conditions of uncertainty. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). Strategy Dynamic relates to where the org. is going, and how it is going to get there? There are 6 Construct Capabilities
Involvement: The effectiveness of involving people across all levels in the organisation appropriately, in setting and executing the strategy and strategic goals.
Mission: The motivational clarity in defining and communicating the organisation's intent and differentiation.
Organisation Structure: The lines of authority, communications, rights and duties of individuals and teams, and the empowerment and agility in adapting to meet the needs of the business.
Strategy Generation: The process for developing and maintaining an effective business & organisation strategy.
Values: The beliefs and behaviours important to your organisations brand, value proposition & Stakeholders.
Vision: The motivational effectiveness in graphically setting out the "future state" of the organisation as a function of aims, ambitions, and values and communicating to stakeholders