In today's volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world for organizations and teams, the traditional processes for managing change though useful are rather simplistic. Many change initiatives fail or falter, and often planned change actions do not get sustainable traction and dont deliver expected outcomes. Change Capability (Agility) has become equally important as the Change Management Process as change can no longer be assumed to be an event that can be project managed but a Capability that can predict and respond to today's dynamic environment.
Change actions are not calibrated to reflect the context or functioning level of the organization and/or team, resulting in ,at best sub-optimum outcomes which may not be sustained, and more likely failed initiatives that potentially degrade performance. In addition the forces in the in internal and external environment that influence performance are frequent and dynamic (VUCA) that the goalposts (target change action outcomes) are continually moving.
The UDT Model and Body of Knowledge (BoK) provides the roadmap, techniques and information for Leaders, Teams and key Stakeholders to manage "Change & Transformation", that ensures Change actions and initiatives are "Calibrated" to reflect the Maturity of the Organization, and target Organization system element being changed. In addition to building towards a high level of Change Capability (Agility)that less than 30% of organizations achieve today.
The purpose of this workshop is to engage participants in the process of understanding why Change & Transformation often fail? what the research has found as the root cause of change action and initiative failure? How to build a Change Process and Change Capability that will both assure successful Change and Transformation outcomes, and build Agility and Resilience to deal with, and exploit current and future VUCA.
It is facilitated by experienced tutors who have been involved in leading and participating in both incremental and transformational change and who have contributed to academia and knowledge development.
It provides participants with an understanding of Change Management "Best Practice" and how Organization's function and learn, introducing Next Generation Change Management and Change Capability required for today's evolving VUCA environment.
Through Action Learning participants gain the skills to understand and use the latest knowledge and tools to identify an organization's functioning level, and design and implement change plans and actions that are calibrated to that functioning level assuring sustainable traction and building of change capability.
It looks at the "Root Cause" of Change Failure at each functioning level for every organization system element, and how that has informed the development and application of Next Generation UDT Theory and Models.
It introduces the three reference models (Organization, Team & Digital) and their supporting Assessment tools that support the day to day application of UDT for an organization and/or team.
It is cost and time efficient, with options for participation in the workshop minimizing disruption to participants day to day duties.
It is a basis for Certification by the Institute.